Six great children's books | 3 - 9 year olds

Alex hit the jackpot when he got six fantastic books for his birthday last month.
Some of them are thought-provoking, some teach life lessons, others are ‘laugh-out-loud’ funny. All of them are brilliant.
“You can find magic
wherever you look.
Sit back and relax
all you need is a book.”
– Dr. Seuss
Thank you Alison, Emily & Aidan for these gems….
1. ‘Zen Shorts’ by Jon J Muth
This is a beautiful children’s book, but it’s just as insightful for adults too. A book of three parables told by a panda to three children. Life lessons told simply…
2. ‘The Giving Tree’ by Shel Silverstein
Once there was a tree… and she loved a little boy. The tree gives the little boy everything, until one day she sadly states that she has nothing left to give. This book could be interpreted in many ways, for me it’s about mother nature selflessly giving and expecting nothing in return. The boy makes her happy and that’s all she needs.
3. ‘Not Now, Bernard’ by David Mc Kee
Another book, just as meaningful for adults as it is for kids – and maybe more so. Not Now Bernard tells the story of a Mum & Dad too distracted by their own lives to notice that their son Bernard has been gobbled up by a monster. It sounds a little scary for kids when said like that. It’s really not!
4. ‘The Rainbow Fish’ by Marcus Pfister
This colourful, glittering book tells the story of a beautiful fish in the ocean who learns a valuable lesson by sharing his most prized possessions.
5. ‘Rabbit & Bear. Rabbit’s Bad Habits’ by Julian Gough & Jim Field
A story of avalanches and snowmen; of a rabbit, a bear and poo. Written by Julian Gough with the help of his daughter Sophie, this is a book that is just as funny to us as it is to Ross, Callum and Alex!
6. ‘An Awesome Book of Love’ by Dallas Clayton
This book is exactly what it says – an awesome book about love!
Jen x